Jennifer Clopton has served as an educator at Pivot Charter School North Bay for the last seven years and has worked as Site Administrator since Fall 2016. While working in a number of Sonoma County Schools as an English teacher for more than a decade, Jennifer realized that students need an educational environment that celebrates individuality and supports a variety of personal academic goals. Since joining Pivot, Clopton has been able to help provide a supportive environment for Pivot students to help them succeed academically.
“I love being able to connect with students and families on a more personal level and having the ability to individualize the program to fit specific student needs,” Clopton said. “Pivot offers a unique and flexible learning environment that allows so many of our students to continue receiving a rigorous and supportive education while also dealing with personal health issues, family transitions and other struggles that often derail academic goals.”
To Clopton, an important aspect of Pivot’s process is that educators meet with a student’s family before they enter the program. This allows the instructors to get to know the student and where they come from to provide a better-tailored educational experience for them.
“Especially now, when there is so much uncertainty regarding where schools are headed and how learning will occur during the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel our program is a wonderful option that gives families peace of mind,” Clopton said. “They know that no matter what might happen moving forward, their children will continue to be educated in a consistent and personalized fashion by a caring staff.”
As a leader at North Bay, Clopton said she believes her primary role is to guide her staff in collaboration so a number of voices can be heard and so the staff continues to grow and learn as educators.
Clopton is an alumna of Sonoma State University and loves to camp, travel and explore the outdoors with her family.